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Сalcemarine Сomplex Food Supplement

Preserve youthfulness and freedom of movement!

Do you often feel tired and sleepy even after a full-night’s sleep? Are you bothered by brittle hair, nail peeling, teeth problems or their sensitivity? Do you feel discomfort in your joints, constraint of movement? Do you have cramps? All that (and not only that) may indicate a calcium deficiency in your body. Calcemarine Complex Food Supplement can help to restore calcium deficiency (calcium is the framework for human health) as well as vitamins, macro- and trace elements deficiency. The product is based on natural oyster calcium citrate reinforced by a vitamin and mineral complex for its better assimilation as well as chondroprotectors required for regeneration of cartilage tissue and prevention of the cartilage destruction process. Calcemarine Complex will help to preserve youthfulness, excellent general state of health and freedom of movement! *Biologically active dietary supplement. It is not a medicine.


1 tablet a day with food for children of age 7–14, 3 tablets for adults and children over 14, 4–5 tablets for pregnant and breastfeeding women, 4–5 tablets per day for people over 60. Recommended course is 30 days. The course may be repeated after a two-week interval. Consultation with a doctor is recommended before taking the tablets. It is not a medicine.

Product Code: # 138805

Active Components
Vitamin C
Vitamin C